Verifying the right level of security

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January 14, 2021

Verifying the right level of security for a specific application is not simple and requires some knowledge.

To calculate, for example, the ”PL” level in your particular application, the machine safety standard EN/ISO 13849-1 uses a qualitative risk diagram or flow chart to assign a performance level (PL). This is based on three criterias:

  • The severity of the damage (S1/S2)
  • Frequency and/or exposure time of danger (F1/F2)
  • The possibility to avoid danger or limit damage (P1/P2)

The performance level (PL) is denoted by an alphabetical character (a to d), where PLe is seen as the highest risk level.

K1S is a brand new FNR switch with genuine on-on-on function that meets the highest requirements in safety-critical equipment according to ISO 13849.

With only 15 mm installation depth, the K1S switch is easy to mount in grips, joysticks or in panels. The switch is sealed up to IP68S and has a lifespan of 1M cycles.

K1S is available as 1 or 2 poles with redundancy to detect each position of the switches 3 positions and can easily be delivered with customer specification cable and connectors.

The FNR switch K1S can deliver with 2 different sizes of the button, both have the same mounting holes.


Feel free to contact us for more information about safety issues, safe products and the K1S series and we will help you.

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