EMI components

At STIGAB you will find a wide range of products for EMI/RFI shielding. We provide all kinds of products to make it possible to achieve electromagnetic compatibility, what we call EMC in everyday speech, regardless of equipment and application.

More information about EMI components

Among our products you will find all the varieties of screenings, based on eg. elastomers, fabric over foam technology, or Beryllium Copper finger lists.

Shielding ventilation grilles in honeycomb technology in customer-specific designs.
We produce conductive gaskets in drawing-specific designs. EMC gaskets for connectors are available on the program as well as shielding caps in various designs.

Gaskets specifically for MILs are available in various materials such as fluorosilicone rubber with metal mesh or oriented wires.

EMC windows, regardless of size and application. We EMI screen your display with retained optical performance.

We offer a complete program of ECCOSORB microwave absorbers for free space and cavities.

Get in touch with us when you need materials or products for all types of shielding and EMC problems.

Laird EMC Material - Catalog

Did you know?

The products in display on our website is just a selection of what we can offer. Please let us know if you're looking for something not present at our site.

Stigab Stig Ödlund AB
Lunastigen 3, 141 44 Huddinge, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)8 97 09 90