Environmental policy
Our vision is to provide leading technical solutions for a sustainable future. To achieve our vision and develop our business overtime, we integrate the sustainability perspective in our business. Our parent company Addtech’s main goal is that we, together with Addtech, minimize the negative impact and maximize the positive impact on the planet as well as for our customers, employees and society at large. Our environmental policy describes how to improve environmental performance at STIGAB.
- Continuously improve our environmental performance and setting targets and objectives towards a sustainable development.
- Reduce our environmental impact by optimizing the transport of goods.
- Efficient use of consumed energy.
- Encourage and make demands on our suppliers to reduce their impact on the climate and environment.
- All traveling should be evaluated from the perspective of emissions, business necessity, time efficiency and economy. Traveling should preferably be with the most climate efficient method.
- Work to optimize use of resources such as energy, fuel, raw materials, waste, water and land in our operations and to avoid the use of hazardous chemicals.
- We comply with all relevant laws and regulations, but the direction is towards best practice.
- Environmental protection measures should be implemented when technically feasible and reasonable from a business economical point of view.
- Include environmental aspects early in our decision-making processes for our business.
- Promote the transition to a circular economy.
- Report and communicate transparently about our environmental performance.
Improvement work
We work with continuous improvements and with minimizing any emissions and pollution. We recycle paper and plastic in both offices and warehouses and reuses packaging materials.
Working environment
- We work to ensure that everyone is comfortable and safe in the workplace through annual meetings and anonymous surveys.
- We ensure that all employees have the right work tools and we relate to an ergonomic way of working by having adjustable chairs and tables.
- We work for health and job satisfaction by engaging employees.
- We continuously assess the work environment at risk and take preventive measures.
- We follow up and evaluate work environment measures for continuous improvement.
- We introduce new employees in the business, including in safety routines and in health programs.
Code of Conduct
Addtech, which is our parent company, aims to create added value for its stakeholders and build relationships based on respect, responsibility and high quality. Every year, Addtech produces a sustainability report in which the entire Group’s results from the CSR work are reported. For several years now, there has been a Code of Conduct that you can read more about on Addtech’s website. To read more about our Code of Conduct, click here.
Environmental impact
Since we do not have our own production, our environmental impact is not that big. It is mainly by prioritizing environmentally conscious manufacturers and thinking environmentally friendly regarding transports and office operations that we can be involved and influence.
- We actively cooperate with customers and suppliers regarding environmental issues.
- We manage energy and resources and prioritize environmentally friendly alternatives.
- We comply with legislation and meet the requirements in the environmental area.
- We strive for sustainable development by constantly improving our environmental work.
- We always think about the environment when choosing company cars in the form of fuel-efficient vehicles.
Whistleblowing function
We strive to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. Therefore, Addtech provides a Whistleblowing service to report suspicions of misconduct.
Whistleblowing function
Norsborg, 21 March 2023
Niclas Qvis, CEO