
For over 35 years we have equipped our market with solutions and components for demanding applications and industries in Scandinavia and elsewhere.

Facts about STIGAB

STIGAB is a Company in the Addtech group with around 20 employees in Huddinge, just south of Stockholm. Our “smallness” puts the personal touch and commitment into focus. This combined with a large selection of exclusive products, the opportunity for product customization and good logistics, making sure our customers get the best of both worlds – a small and passionate provider, but with the great products .

STIGAB has over 700 active customers within the medical, automotive, industrial and defence – everything from local small businesses to multinational corporations. But one thing they all have in common – high standards of knowledge, quality and delivery reliability.

Our history

STIGAB founded in 1984 by Stig Ödlund and was run by the Ödlund family to December 2017 when it was sold to the Addtech Group. Since 1985 STIGAB been resident in a pleasant property, which over the years has been built out to suit the business and give the staff a harmonious working environment. December 2014 STIGAB moved into new premises and is now prepared for another 30 years.


Quality policy

Through personal commitment and long-term relationship, STIGAB's vision is to be the preferred partner for technical solutions.
With our expertise, innovation and dedication, we aim to challenge industry standards and contribute to a sustainable and efficient future.

Since the start in 1984, STIGAB has focused on solutions that will simplify the interaction between man and machine.

To create this, we represent market-leading manufacturers of electromechanical components and manufacture our own and customized products.

Our customer focus is Scandinavian companies looking for products and customized solutions for demanding applications.

With our expertise, we help the customer in serviced product, or solution, all the way from idea, cost optimization, production and logistics setup by:

  • Ensure that customer needs are known and documented.
  • We prioritize customer focus.
  • Keeps promises and shows commitment.
  • Our employees have the right skills and authority to carry out their tasks.
  • We take personal responsibility, give feedback and engage in continuous improvement.

Huddinge, 11 november 2024

How we work
The differences lie in the details
Electromechanics for demanding applications